Friday, August 07, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (III) When you're in a hole... STOP DIGGING.

It's unfortunate that the people of this district are stuck with a coward for a Congressman.

Baird's cowardly decision to avoid facing the people of his district was surprising on a variety of levels.

There's absolutely zero justification for such a move; but the reason it's surprising is because back when he had balls, he came back from Iraq and told the truth (unlike now) knowing he would walk into a fringe-leftist buzz saw... and he did it anyway.

Now, because the massive opposition the empty suited moron running this country is causing with his neo-communist actions is coming from the other direction, he all of a sudden develops feet of clay and won't face us.

He sites a bunch of irrelevant nonsense as excuses for his cowardice... what's happened in a few places elsewhere with others... and then he paints all the opposition with a broad brush of "brown shirt-sim" and "Nazi-ism."

Well, Congressman, let me tell you something.

Unlike you and that clueless idiot running the show, I actually care enough about this country to have served in it's Armed Forces. I am also strongly opposed to the massive damage you and your party have caused this country in a few short months.

But for a cowardly scumbag like Baird to call ME a "Nazi" or compare ME with the "brown shirts," particularly when such a description is much more apt for the unions and ACORN doing Obama's bidding... That is the ultimate insult to me and every other of the millions of veterans standing in opposition to this idiot.

Was Dr. Baird hit in the head with a soft ball a few weeks ago? Does he honestly believe that cowardice is the solution, or inflammatory name calling of the people that he would represent is the way to sell this crap?

Baird DOES have reason "to be concerned." But the reasons he should have to be concerned have nothing to do with his constituents. The reason he should be concerned is because he's voting yes for bills he hasn't read in violation of his own rules; because he's been far too much of a coward to take a stand on the organized crime casino the Barnett Mafia wants to build here, and now because he's effortlessly managed to offend 10's of thousands of us in his cowardice... his concern needs to be for his post election, post-Congressional career... because he needs to start polishing that resume' today.

Local News

Baird draws heavy criticism
Congressman stands by choice to not hold town hall meetings

Thursday, August 6 11:47 p.m.


U.S. Rep. Brian Baird faced a deluge of criticism Thursday for his decision not to hold live town hall meetings on health reform and for his Wednesday comparison of disruptive anti-health-reform demonstrators with Nazis and murderers.

"The congressman should be ashamed and embarrassed," said Ryan Hart, chairman of the Clark County Republican Party. "Portland police used to bring in extra people when Bush came to town, but I never heard President Bush call people Nazis or Brown Shirts."

In Wednesday conversations with the Olympian and Columbian, Baird said he's holding "telephone town halls" instead of live meetings to avoid an "ambush" by people with a "lynch-mob mentality" and "close to Brown Shirt tactics."

Baird, D-Vancouver, referred to an effigy of a conservative Democrat that was photographed hanging from a noose last month in Maryland.

Two of Baird's Republican challengers issued news releases on the issue Thursday.

"There appears to be a leadership void on national issues which will impact residents of Southwest Washington," wrote candidate Jon Russell of Washougal, in announcing a series of town hall meetings he'll host in late August.

Candidate David Castillo of Olympia, who is black, said he was "disgusted" by Baird's "lynch mob" remark.

McVeigh comparison

Baird stuck to his rhetorical guns Thursday.

He invites civil disagreements over health reform, he said.

"I've had 300 town halls," Baird said. "That's more than anyone else I know on either side of the aisle."

But Baird said a "coordinated national effort" to disrupt public meetings with shouts and demonstrations, which he said Republican leaders were "egging on," was reminiscent of the kinds of things that drove Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

More if you can stomach it.

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