Friday, July 10, 2009

So, is Obama a closet Clinton? Update

Apparently, this was a still out of a video of some sort, and it went on to show Obama about to help the woman seen directly over his right shoulder down the steps to where he was standing.

Sarkosy, on the other hand, walked over and got the girl's phone number... Frenchman being French and all that.
With the song "I Like Big Butts" playing softly in my mind, I cast my gaze on this:

Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy at G8 summit Oh - US President snapped checking out delegate's bum!

He may be the world’s most powerful man but even Barack Obama is not immune to the charms of a nice bottom!


A married man... a father of 2 girls himself, and he can't keep his eyes off a 16 year old girl's butt?

Gotta wonder what Michelle's thinking... but then, media efforts notwithstanding, she ain't all that... so who can blame Obama?

Robbing the cradle just continues on the tradition of the developer of the "Clinton Cauliflower" himself.

H/T Drudge.

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