Friday, July 10, 2009

Hispanics get played: Leavitt scams an endorsement.

I've had a couple of concerns over Tim Leavitt's use of the race card as a campaign tactic; as blatant and underhanded approach to electioneering as I've ever seen... in fact, I've seen nothing like it since David Barnett bought Steve Stuart for a cool $100G.

Of course, this is why Leavitt pulled this hate crime stunt, to suck the politically naive into believing they are anything but tools for his election... much like the far left was used, and then kicked to the curb as Obama scammed them into supporting him, and then proceeded to forget they existed.

Well, local hispanics, apparently lacking in any particular degree of political sophistication, have bit, and bit hard. Little do they know that Leavitt has manipulated them into this public embarrassment.

As a result, Leavitt has nailed down the illegal alien vote with a sledgehammer.

But then, I'm just a cynic. What do I know?

Not much, except this: this endorsement is an embarrassment, and it will do absolutely nothing to help Leavitt get elected.

And as his campaign roles on, that's certainly a good thing.

"My candidate.... my candidate.... my kingdom for a remotely decent candidate!"

Vancouver Councilman Tim Leavitt Attracts The Latino Vote

Latinos in Vancouver are moving to demonstrate that their vote is not one to be alienated. With the assistance of National Latina civil rights leader, Maria Rodriguez-Salazar of Vancouver, WA, they are determined to make their vote count.

After years of being ignored and the success of President Obama’s election, Latinos locally are sensing that they finally count in the political discourse of this country.

The demographics of Vancouver are changing. Latinos are the largest and fastest growing ethnic group in Vancouver and in our country. In this year’s political season every vote will count but most importantly who in the future will be leading Vancouver’s government and be inclusive when it comes to Latino Affairs. So what will it take to win the hearts and votes of Latinos in Vancouver? Ask Vancouver Latino Leaders.

Event: Vancouver Latino Leaders Press Conference - Vancouver’s Latino Vote

When: Monday July 13th, 2009

Time: 10:00am

Where: The Steps of Vancouver City Hall, Vancouver, WA


  1. what a load of racist crap. "securing the illegal alien vote"? come on. there is an entire segment of our population that is unrepresented, not listened to, and utterly disregarded. Legal, multi-generation, CITIZENS who are looking for representation. Good for Leavitt for waking up and paying attention.

  2. VH!!!! Thanks for coming by, again, and please don't forget to swing by yesterday's response... I eagerly anticipate your thoughts on these matters!

    "Racist crap?" Really?

    So, you mean to tell me that hispanic illegal aliens DON'T vote in these elections?

    Given the RIGOROUS process required to register to vote in this county, I had no idea! Here I thought that if you just checked the boxes (no proof required, you understand) you were in!

    You know, I don't believe the local segment of Pittsburgh Steeler fans are adequately represented here, either. I guess the question is this: should they be?

    Is to be a leftist to be so shot through with victimhood that you can't THINK?

    The idea that representation is only based on race is the height of bigotry. Why do you and Leavitt insist on practicing that despicable form of government?

    All AMERICANS are represented in government, and those here illegally don't NEED representation... they need DEPORTATION... or are the laws meaningless to people like you? Race-based representation was very big in the south during the civil war. Is that the kind of thing you want?

    It's because he engaged in this cynical ploy that you support Leavitt. And because your leftist blinders are cemented to your head, you seem incapable of question either the motives or the timing. But then, who ever said that being a leftist requires the ability to think?

    Leavitt is PLAYING these people... just like he's playing YOU. Your problem is one of density... as in, so dense, you turn a blind eye to this underhanded effort because Leavitt is YOUR guy.

    Let me take a wild guess here... you voted for Obama, right?


    Thanks again for stopping by, VH. The back and forth is quite enjoyable, and one day, you'll get it... you'll actually understand.

    So, come on back now, ya heah? (My southern racist accent... since I'm from South Seattle.)


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