Monday, July 13, 2009

More warm and fuzzy incompetence from the Obama Administration.

As the current occupant of the White House elbows Jimmy Carter aside as the worst president in the last century (or more) I'm comforted by the fact that he's hired a criminal to run our treasury, scores of lobbyists in direct violation of one of the many promises he's broken as part of the bait and switch that was the Obama Campaign... and then.... THIS waste of skin.

Truth being stranger than fiction, we actually DO have an Inspector General of the Treasury... although this particular version seems to be the most ignorant twit in government, and is much more focused on her nails than her job.

In this YouTube video, she's questioned by a DEMOCRAT congressman.... First-term (anti-bailout candidate) Democrat Alan Grayson (D-FL 8) and, well... watch it and weep.

I know I did.

H/T to Tom.

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