Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The bigotry of Sotomayer: Defense of the Indefensible: Update - dems reduced to lying about this issue.

FACT CHECK: Don't quote Sotomayor on that, Senator

WASHINGTON (AP) - In endorsing Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy did some creative rewriting of history. And he put quote marks around it.

Trying to head off criticism of a controversial comment, Leahy misquoted Sotomayor's own words in kicking off the second day of her confirmation hearings.

Sotomayor's public comments are as much a part of the hearings as her lengthy judicial record. Here's a look at some of the claims made Tuesday about those comments, and the facts.


LEAHY SAID: "You said that, quote, you 'would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would reach wise decisions.'"

THE FACTS: If that's all Sotomayor said, the quote would barely have mattered to opponents of her nomination. The actual quote, delivered in a 2001 speech to law students at the University of California at Berkeley, was: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Leahy's revision dropped the controversial part of the phrase, the part that has attracted charges of reverse racism.

Sotomayor said her words have been misunderstood. She said she intended to tell students that their experiences would enrich the legal system. But she softened her language Tuesday, say that no ethnic, racial or gender group has an advantage in judging.


So... does any reader here believe this revisionst history wasn't planned?

Leahy is a scumbag. Always has been. That he's reduced to lying to attempt, no matter how badly, to cover up Sotomayer's bigotry speaks for itself.

That said, with the recent set up and scamming of the not-terribly-important hispanic vote by Tim Leavitt, racism of all kinds has reared it's ugly head.

For many, they're convinced that only those of us light-complected (that is, "white") can be racist. The absurdity of such a claim is made clear by the racist occupying the White House.

A bigot has been described as a pejorative term to describe a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices, especially when these views are either challenged, or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

This, of course, leads us to yet another in the series of disastrous, racist and incompetent personnel choices our president has made for his Administration.

There are certain aspects of this moronic appointment that are universally accepted. One is, perhaps, the most infamous phrase ever uttered by any sitting judge, anywhere.
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.
Were I questioning her, I would ask this:

"So, Judge Sotomayer, tell us... about that "wise Latina woman" (Is there some other kind of Latina?) speech... is the reverse also true?

Are there situations where a white male with the richness of HIS experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn't lived that life?"

"And what might those situations be?"

That question will never be asked of this woman, because the leftists running the show believe they're making political points by appointing such a racist to the highest court in the land.


Yes, racist. As racist as Bull Connor and his German Sheppards. I don't even need to explore what would not be happening to a white male nominee had he said such a thing... and the double standard is despicable.

Racism is racism. The purveyors of racism are not determined by any particular characteristic. There are black, brown, white, male and female racists. Sotomayer, whether she acknowledges it or not... whether she even knows it or not, is one of them.

She is a self-admitted product of the "affirmative action" state. She has reached her various levels of incompetence not because of any judicial stardom, but because she was the token hispanic.

And THIS is who we want sitting on the highest court in the land? THIS is the best the empty suit in the White House could do?


Suddenly, Harriet Miers looks like a brilliant choice in comparison. And the people of this country will be made to suffer for it.

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