Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm stunned. Are you stunned 2? Downtown Mafia incest continues as Columbian endorses Harris.

It's not terribly surprising that in endorsing fringe-leftist Jeannie Harris for her re-election bid, the Columbian engages in their institutional double-standard wherein they treat those they hate (anyone wise enough to oppose their world view and quest for local domination) completely different from those they support.

Take, for example, their tender telling and retelling of Tom Mielke's two prior failed efforts to become a Clark County Commissioner. During the course of his last two efforts, (Mielke tried 3 times for the job, succeeding only on his last attempt) we were told, over and over, that he had lost twice before.

Yet, when these clowns endorse Jeanne Harris (Columbian Lackey, Vancouver) they fail to mention HER multiple failures to ditch this burg for a different office in their endorsement... clearly ONLY using her position on city council as a stepping stone to higher office.

Now... why is that? The West Point Honor Code at least used to be short and to the point: “I will neither lie, nor cheat, nor steal, nor allow a misleading silence to continue... nor tolerate anyone who does.”

The Columbian's deliberate failure to mention Harris's abysmal showings (Harris was smacked twice by Marc Boldt for county commissioner, and, if memory serves, did an abysmal job running for state representative) in their endorsement while going out of their way to remind us of Mielke's defeats is just indicative of the lack of integrity this paper has and the despicable institutional double-standard that has turned them in to a leftist swindle sheet... and the misleading facts they deliberately left out.

If prior rejections by the public are important for ANY candidate... then they are important for ALL candidates... even those you avoid any pretense of journalistic fairness in supporting.

Again, Harris supports the I-5 Bridge replacement, the largest waste of money the northwestern United States has ever known. Like all the members of Vancouver City Government and the rag endorsing her, she has done absolutely nothing to force this question to a vote of the people and, as a result is a rabid supporter of the massive tolls the completion of this unneeded and unwanted project WILL require, her tolling “concerns” notwithstanding.

Let's remember, boys and girls: there's no amount of lipstick you can put on this pig that will change the fact that it's a pig. And ANY candidate that wants this bridge and loot rail DOES want tolls... since there's absolutely no way to get this thing built without tolls... spin by the rag notwithstanding.

Harris, who has really accomplished nothing of note during her tenure, save attempting to ram a movie theater-ticket surcharge down our throats after I-695 was voted in as she claimed that she wouldn't let that vote “color her thinking,” has done nothing to be proud of except vote to jack up taxes and sue the voters... twice... to silence their dissent over downtown redevelopment.

So, yeah.... I'm stunned. Stunned that the paper would endorse yet another clueless idiot who lacks the vision that God gave a board fence, who has no desire to seek the will of the people on this, the most harmful project since Obama was elected; and who, you guessed it, carries the rag's water like Gunga Din.

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