Monday, July 27, 2009

Are you stunned? I'm stunned: The Columbian endorses Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.

Of the 3 candidates running for Mayor of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver, only one of them has failed to follow the Columbian's agenda in it's entirety: Charlie Stemper.

The other two have carried the Columbian's water like Gunga Din... and they've been suitably rewarded for their toadying by the appropriate ass-kissing from the newspaper in the form of their endorsement.

Now, the Columbian endorsement and 5 bucks will get you a latte' in any Starbucks. In the last election, for example, the local version of Pravda Izvestia endorsed ONLY democrats in ANY open seat, from the President of the United States on down to state representative. As a result, they were rewarded with a massive cut in their B&O tax hit that the rest of us have to pay, because, after all, the leftists running our state government don't want to lose such a "valuable" ability to spread their propaganda, lies and exaggerations... much like their despicable and dishonest coverage of the unwanted, unneeded and completely wasteful I-5 bridge replacement/loot rail project.

So, it's no wonder that "No Choice" Royce and Tim "The endorsement scam artist" Leavitt got the Columbian's grateful nod for the upcoming election.

Both of these clowns actively sued the voters into silence to keep them out of the way when it came to the massive fraud known as the Pollard Hilton; both these morons want the bridge replacement, loot rail AND the massive tolls this nonsense will require.

This newspaper AND Pollard AND Leavitt have a thing for OPM.... Other People's Money. Leavitt, for example, gained a small level of notoriety with his characterization of billions as... what was it, Tim... "measly," was it?

The paper will do absolutely anything they can to get this thing built, including lie, and Pollard could care less what the people want... not unlike Leavitt and the bankrupt Columbian, come to think of it.

So, it's no wonder that the Columbian wants to give Charley the boot. He isn't a member in good standing of the downtown Mafia, unlike the other two and this rag that laughingly calls itself a newspaper... so, what else could we expect?

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