Wednesday, January 07, 2009

How I see it: Mr. Obama - you'd better be right.

By now, the reader probably knows that our President-Elect has chosen someone wholly unqualified to lead the Central Intelligence Agency, former Congressman, White House Chief of Staff, Director of the Office for Civil Rights, and Director of OMB and a variety of other positions that qualify Leon Panetta to be the penultimate bureaucrat... but do absolutely nothing to qualify him to run this country's Intelligence services.

If we sustain an attack on any American assets anywhere outside the current theater of operations, the Obama Administration will be done (and the democrats with him) even BEFORE Obama is indicted.

But let's also be realistic, here. IF Mr. Obama is SUCCESSFUL; if this reorganization actually succeeds; if we can avoid an attack until he's indicted, then the GOP will be in serious, long term and sustained trouble... because the heretofore Empty Suit will have shown he's got the chops to defend this country.

Unfortunately, the leftist hypocrites that tried to sell us a bill of goods with that waste of skin Kerry back in '04 because Kerry's service was so important in this time of war... have conveniently forgotten all about the importance of military experience now... during this war.

Mr. Obama's inexperience will cost this country lives. The only question is how many and where. Mr. Panetta's lack of experience in intelligence, combined with Mr. Obama's kowtowing to the fringe left nutters as he disassembles our successful intelligence apparatus is going to cost us lives... American lives... lives these people are sworn to protect.

I sincerely and seriously hope I'm wrong. I WANT BARACK OBAMA TO SUCCEED.

Because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    AMEN...Obama indeed will be finished. And I am very afraid that's exactly what's going to happen.

  2. I'm stocking up now on my excess "do-overs" but I don't think there are enough in existence to matter.


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