Thursday, January 08, 2009

Et tu, Brutus? A blast from the past - Williams: Mielke will lose.

Self-proclaimed Republican and utterly clueless Commissioner candidate Craig Williams gave the world the benefit of his political ignorance with this moronic email to the Columbian the day after Mr. Willams, with all of his "I know what I'm doing and Mielke doesn't" garbage, achieved a fabulous 4.73% of the vote (next to last out of an eight-candidate field) in the August 19th primary.

Politics Blog

Williams: Mielke will lose
Thursday, August 21 11:53 a.m.

The day after Tom Mielke ended fellow Republican Craig Williams's first race for county commissioner, Williams said Mielke has an "'anti-everything' message" that isn't likely to win in November.

"Tom had a lot of signs and name recognition, but he had nothing new to offer the voters and it showed," Williams wrote in an e-mail Wednesday. "Tom's message is an old one that carried only enough weight to inch him out of this primary. It will not likely carry him to a general election victory."

Mielke, 66, finished second in the primary with 23 percent of the vote. Williams, 43, finished sixth with 5 percent.

Williams, an energy trader, put more than $6,000 of his own money into the race. A religious conservative, he called on men to "increase their respect for womanhood" and on his party to increase its respect for environmental regulation.

"Every so often, conservatism needs to be redefined," Williams said Wednesday. "You know, the Ron Paul phenomenon in our country and in our county was another part of that."

Williams added that he hopes Mielke will win.

County Commissioner Marc Boldt, another Mielke backer, said Williams is mistaken about the future of conservatism.

"I doubt that he'll get a Christmas card from the Republican Party," added Boldt, 53.

"Inch him out of the primary?" Mr. Williams, Tom received almost twice as much in the vote then his nearest competition. How is that "inching out?"

"You know, the Ron Paul phenomenon in our country and in our county was another part of that."

What "phenomenon" was that? All that money... and how well did Paul do?

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