Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama's AG pick Holder and HIS "Inconvenient Truth."

With no apologies to Al Gore, I picked up this little nugget via NW Republican as reported by the Chicago Sun-Times: It seems that Mr. Holder "forgot" his relationship with erstwhile seat-seller Gov. Blago (D-Illinois)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another Obama appointee under Blagojevich cloud

Oh crap... Now Obama's choice as the "top cop" (Eric Holder) has storm clouds circling above him as well.

Read full Chicago Sun-Times story here.

Holder omitted Blagojevich link from questionnaire
Announced as a ‘special investigator to the Illinois Gaming Board’ in 2004

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December 17, 2008

BY CHRIS FUSCO Staff Reporter/

Before Eric Holder was President-elect Barack Obama's choice to be attorney general, he was Gov. Blagojevich's pick to sort out a mess involving Illinois' long-dormant casino license.

Blagojevich and Holder appeared together at a March 24, 2004, news conference to announce Holder's role as "special investigator to the Illinois Gaming Board" -- a post that was to pay Holder and his Washington, D.C. law firm up to $300,000.

» Click to enlarge image
Eric Holder (right) appears at a March 24, 2004, news conference with Gov. Blagojevich. (AP file)

Holder, however, omitted that event from his 47-page response to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire made public this week -- an oversight he plans to correct after a Chicago Sun-Times inquiry, Obama's transition team indicated late Tuesday.

"Eric Holder has given hundreds of press interviews," Obama transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said in a statement. "He did his best to report them all to the committee, but as he noted in the questionnaire itself, some were undoubtedly missed in the effort to reconstruct a list of them."



Can this country stand an Attorney General with such a terrible memory? As I recall, past AG's with memory problems seemed to be objects of derision and scorn from the learned left. Will we hear the same when one of their own is so infected, or will their base hypocrisy rule the day as they maintain their thundering silence?

Thus continues the troubling and growing pattern of obfuscation. Why is this happening? I am increasingly concerned with such political ineptitude.

This guy Obama is SUPPOSED to be all that. Instead, he's showing the instincts of a board fence.

I'm already looking back with fondness on the relative political superiority of Rove compared to this player. Rove wouldn't have tolerated this kind of amateurish nonsense.

Clearly, Mr. Obama and his handlers are over their heads, as this boil on our Nation's butt continues to grow and fester.

Where will it end?

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