Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gays throwing a fit over Obama's choice of Warren... and why it doesn't matter.

Look.... President-Elect Obama has been trying to get us to believe that he will govern from the center.

Now, that's as likely as Vlad. Lenin trying to get a 7-11 franchise, but he's at least going through the motions. And who knows? If Mr. Obama can avoid indictment, at least for awhile, we may get the opportunity to find out.

That said, the more gullible among the left (which means almost every leftist, since to be a leftist speaks to a high level of gullibility to begin with) actually believed that their support of The One would translate into something akin to power. Any thinking sentient being would have known that at about 8:01 pm election night, the left would be kicked to the curb precisely like they were in 2006, when democrats promised the left the moon AND $2 to support them, because, for example, THEY would "end the war in Iraq."

How's that working for them?

The President-Elect's choice of Rick Warren was a brilliant political stroke in a regime that has, so far, shown little brilliance in their handling of the more mundane issues confronting us, such as the Blago Affair, high political buffoonery that even my degree in government couldn't prepare me for.

Warren, author of the massive best-seller "The Purpose Driven Life," was an element of the campaign cycle by virtue of the candidates appearances at Saddleback Church... an appearance that highlighted Mr. Obama's lack of substantive courage of his particular convictions when he indicated that the question of abortion had to be "settled by someone above my pay grade."

By choosing Warren, Mr. Obama hopes to extend the facade of center-governance... for at least awhile.

Leftists generally, and gays specifically, have been throwing a hissy fit since the people of California re-established the "one-man, one-woman" definition of marriage with Prop 8.

So... what's it all mean?

Gay leaders furious with Obama
By & 12/17/08 5:59 PM EST

Barack Obama’s choice of a prominent evangelical minister to deliver the invocation at his inauguration is a conciliatory gesture toward social conservatives who opposed him in November, but it is drawing fierce challenges from a gay rights movement that — in the wake of a gay marriage ban in California — is looking for a fight.

Rick Warren, the senior pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California, opposes abortion rights but has taken more liberal stances on the government's role in fighting poverty, and backed away from other evangelicals’ staunch support for economic conservatism. But it’s his support for the California constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage that drew the most heated criticism from Democrats Wednesday.

Rick Warren, Obama’s pick to give the inaugural invocation, backed the California ban on same-sex marriage.
Photo: AP

“Your invitation to Reverend Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is a genuine blow to LGBT Americans,” the president of Human Rights Campaign, Joe Solomonese, wrote to Obama Wednesday. “[W]e feel a deep level of disrespect when one of architects and promoters of an anti-gay agenda is given the prominence and the pulpit of your historic nomination.

The rapid, angry reaction from a range of gay activists comes as the gay rights movement looks for an opportunity to flex its political muscle. Last summer gay groups complained, but were rebuffed by Obama, when an “ex-gay” singer led Obama’s rallies in South Carolina. And many were shocked last month when voters approved the California ban.


The "why it doesn't matter" aspect is simple political math.

First, the left has, once again, been hosed. That's what they're there for: to get hosed. The fact is that 4 years from now, no one will care who gave the invocation at Mr. Obama's inauguration.

Second, the gay community is neither all that large nor all that powerful.

Third... where else do they really have to go?

Gays are taken for granted as much as minorities when it comes to the vote. The GOP's idiotic lack of focus with minority outreach cedes the minority vote; year after year, election after election.

But in the end, the gay voter has no place else to go. Mr. Obama and the democrats know that; even the faux outrage of the gay community over the Warren selection does nothing to cover that fact.

It's pragmatic politics, folks. And kicking the gay community to the curb after each election is just par for this particular course.

Simple, really.

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