Saturday, December 06, 2008

Brancaccio blows it again:Press Talk: Mail call always interesting

I can only imagine how tough it must be to be the captain of the Titanic that is the Vancouver Columbian.

A generally clueless newspaper agenda that has eliminated most every pretense of journalism, a leftist political agenda, an "endorse democrats for open seats only" policy, circulation and advertising diving full speed into the toilet...

The embarrassment and humiliation of hosing the taxpayer to jack up your own property values in downtown... only to fail to be able to make your payments... I get that. I get that this newspaper is in the tank for the downtown mafia.

I even get the utterly bizarre idea that the way these clowns believe they can save this paper is to provide less... and charge more for it. I get all of that.

But what I don't get is the abandonment of all journalistic tenets in yet ANOTHER effort to attack someone you disagree with... especially after all of his drivel about civility and all that rot.

Lou kicks over the pail when he writes the following:

Good Policy: Think First

Then this sweet e-mail came to me:

“So now, Tom Mielke is our new county commissioner and not one word was printed today.

“I understand you endorsed Pam Brokaw but to have no story about the election of a new county commissioner reeks of either a bias or incompetence.”

— D.R.Slow down, my friend.

I’ll slip some humble pie on the grill for you.

I’m not even sure where to begin with this one. Mielke was locked in a very tight race with Brokaw for a county commission seat.

As the county continued to count ballots, we had several updates. Most of our stories showed Mielke adding votes to his slim lead.

On the day D.R. decided to write his e-mail, the day he said we had no story — we had a story. Whoops.

You’d think if someone was going to ship off an inappropriate, bitter e-mail, he’d have his facts right.Well, think again."

Well, unlike Lou, I AM sure where to "begin."

I'll begin by asking "how do we know any of this is true?"

I'll move to "why didn't you provide the date and time of the email in question, so we could look to see what he was saying?"

Then I'll segue into "several updates?" WHAT "several updates?" "Several updates" are what we get with the Coleman-Franken recount.

Mielke won the recount yesterday, and I don't see any mention of that on your web site.

You’d think if someone was going to ship off an inappropriate, bitter column, he’d put the facts out there so we could check them ourselves.Well, think again.

And this is the kind of "journalism" we've come to expect from this newspaper. And that is a damned shame.

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