Saturday, December 06, 2008

ANOTHER Columbian LTE-Cowlitz Casino shill heard from?

I cannot say, for certain, that ALL of the few supporters of the Barnett/Paskenta/Mohegan are ignorant and pathetic. But every once in a while, someone needing their gambling fix a little closer then the Oregon coast will write something to the Columbian that is so bizarre, inane and idiotic that I am frequently required to re-evaluate my prior assertion.

This moronic effort is a case in point:

Cartoon had local application

The Nov. 26 editorial cartoon, with one Pilgrim stating, “They say they’re building a wall because too many of us enter illegally and won’t learn their language or assimilate into their culture …” is similar to the Cowlitz Tribe casino issue.

Nonsensical pap.

The Cowlitz have never lived here; the vast majority of their tribe live in the Seattle area; their tribal land is 60 miles north of here.

Their efforts to ram a casino down our throats are not opposed for any racist reason of any kind. Unfortunately, the loons supporting this organized crime effort always trot out racism as their last refuge, ignoring the many and massive negative impacts this economic black hole would foster in our community... because, after all, their gambling fix or their temporary union job is MUCH more important than our community.

Zerr blathers on: We took their land, spread diseases, broke treaties, and put them on reservations with no way to support themselves.

Really? Who is "we?" I have never taken ANYONE'S land. Nor have I "spread diseases, broke treaties" or put anyone anywhere.

Did David Barnett, multi-millionaire megacasino developer with less Cowlitz blood than my cocker spaniel, who owns land in several states (he claims) get "put" somewhere? How about Rod VanMcHelen, Cowlitz tribal councilman, who doesn't have a drop of Cowlitz blood anywhere in his body? Was *HE* "put" somewhere?

"Now, with an opportunity to provide for themselves, the Cowlitz are made to assimilate the beliefs of a few in La Center, Clark County and Vancouver."

Typically absurd racist crap.

The Cowlitz, who do not and typically have never lived here, only have to assimilate one thing: we do not want one of the largest casinos on the face of the earth to be built here causing economic and social damage far beyond the boundaries of their operation. Once they "assimilate that belief," and either build something else or build their massive casino project somewhere else, everything will fall into place.

"The arrangement of the MOU between Clark County and the Cowlitz Tribe reminds me of playing marbles in the 1930s."

That you'd make such a statement reminds me that you've probably lost most of yours.

We’d draw a circle, lag for position, then play our game—winner takes all. Afterward, someone always seemed to say, “I want my marbles” or “I didn’t understand the rules.” I guess it depends how you play the game.

That's a perfect example of David Barnett's efforts to corrupt our local elections down here. Since your side, and Barnett, lost this time, I guess it's pretty clear that he "didn't understand the rules."

Folks, I don't care if you support this massive economic and social invasion that will cost the local taxpayers 10's of millions of dollars or not. I really don't.

But when you take a position, for God's sake, can't it make just the tiniest bit of sense? Is that too much to ask?

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