Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So, the Obama Administration starts with a corrupt Attorney General candidate.

This is not a good start.

Eric Holder had overwatch over both the infamous Marc Rich pardon scam where Rich bought Bill Clinton so that he would be pardoned for his crimes while he was a fugitive financier who gave up his American citizenship while under indictment; and the pardons, also by Clinton as part of the set up for his wife, the FALN Puerto Rican terrorist group.

Mr. Obama was all about "change." Can someone help me out with precisely what "change" is brought about by the confirmation of such a corrupt figure as our Attorney General?

Race played a huge part in the Obama vote. While it was, I've been assured, in no way racist for blacks to voter for Mr. Obama merely because he was black, somehow, the Klan sheets would be broken out if the reverse were true: that whites should have voted for the white candidate.

Mr. Holder also happens, Like Mr. Obama, to be at least part black. That cannot be a reason to offer him the AG slot, but given the shady background and questionable ethics already displayed by Mr. Holder, it's difficult to find any other reason.

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