Thursday, November 20, 2008

More fringe left idiocy: Palin faces ethics charge for doing "Greta" from her official office.

I'm not a huge Palin fan. But I've never been sure that my lack of confidence in her is a result of "her," or the moronic job the McCain campaign did in handling her.

That said, she does scare the crap out of leftists in ways I haven't seen here locally since their collective panties got into a bunch over violating the rights of pharmacies and pharmacists by forcing them to carry a certain medication they really, really, really like (The morning after pill, to be precise.)

Palin faces ethics complaint over Van Susteren interview

As Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin settles back into her job as the state's chief executive, a new ethics complaint filed Tuesday after her interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren says Palin already is improperly mixing her official duties and broader political ambitions.

By Kyle Hopkins
Anchorage Daily News

ANCHORAGE — She's a national political figure and one of the world's most famous people. She's also governor of Alaska.

As Sarah Palin settles back into her job as the state's chief executive, a new ethics complaint filed Tuesday says she's already improperly mixing her official duties and broader political ambitions.

The charge: Palin broke state ethics rules by holding national television interviews about her run for vice president from the governor's office.

The complaint comes as Palin's personal life, her prospects as a future presidential candidate and everything she says and does continues to draw headlines.


H/T to Victoria Taft.

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