Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Seattle Times nails it: Change Washington law to open government

If we could only see this happen at every level of government.

Originally published November 16, 2008 at 12:00 AM Page modified November 16, 2008 at 12:54 AM

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Change Washington law to open government

The Washington Legislature should follow the recommendations of the state Sunshine Committee to more narrowly define when government agencies can cite attorney-client privileges to keep information secret from the public. Sliver-thin majorities in two state Supreme Court decisions have helped to keep the secrets.

Seattle Times editorial

THE state Legislature should blow away the clouds gathering over open-government practices in recent years and follow the clear recommendation of its own so-called Sunshine Committee.

Officially known as the Public Records Accountability Executive Committee, the panel voted 7-3 Wednesday, urging the Legislature to pass legislation to raise the shades on what has become a state Supreme Court-condoned practice of excessively hiding information from the public.

The panel recommends lawmakers more narrowly define when government agencies can cite privilege for attorney-client communications or work — definitions that have expanded over the past few years thanks to sliver-thin majorities on the state's highest court.


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