Monday, November 17, 2008

Michelle Malkin nails it: Road to GOP redemption: Roll back the bailouts, draw a line in the sand


Why Republicans EVER supported this is beyond me. There is nothing "Republican" about a "bailout" by any stretch of the imagination.

To be a Republican is to SUPPOSED to include fiscal conservatism. It's SUPPOSED to include personal responsibility. How did caving to the left in the bailout issue reinforce either one of these Republican principles?

And then, we find out that the entire basis for the bailout, the so-called "purchase of troubled assets" was a lie, and we're not going to purchase those assets!

Well, I see "bailout as a strangely appropriate term here. And what's happened is that the leaders and pilots of our government from both sides of the aisle have bailed out of the "plane of state," leaving us without anyone to fly the plane... and leaving those of us who are passengers to sit and wait for it to crash.

This type of betrayal is why I've now become an independent. Why would anyone want to be a Republican when to be a Republican is to betray your core principles for political expediency?

Road to GOP redemption: Roll back the bailouts, draw a line in the sand
By Michelle Malkin • November 17, 2008 07:36 AM

While Republican strategists and Beltway blowhards convene VIP retreats and meetings and save-the-party parties, the road to GOP redemption starts right now. There is opportunity to be seized right now. There is a line in the sand to be drawn.

Right now.

The first step toward GOP redemption is to stop the automakers’ bailout and roll back the creeping conversion of the Crap Sandwich 2.0 into an all-purpose bailout bonanza for every last American industry and corporate special interest in financial peril. The second step is barbecue Naked Emperor Hank Paulson and the Federal Reserve over their refusal to disclose how they are dispensing billions of dollars in loans.

John McCain screwed this up. The out-of-touch Republican leadership in Washington screwed it up. And let’s be honest: Too many of the same tired old faces now trying to reclaim seats of power — like Newt Gingrich — crumbled on the massive banking bailout and capitulated to Reid/Pelosi/Paulson/Bush when steel spines were needed most.


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