Saturday, September 03, 2005

More democrat scum: KANYE WEST: BUSH-BASHING FOR $$$

Are you as sick of black multi-millionaires using disaster to cry "racism" as I am?

This scumbag cost the Red Cross millions with his racist, bigotted rant. I, personally, will find some other way to help...if I help at all. I'm sick of getting slapped around by ignorant people that don't know any more about what's going on then they do brain surgery.

Michelle Malkin · September 02, 2005 10:21 PM

Just watch this. (Hat tip: Dan Riehl)

Poor Mike Myers. Look at his face. He looks like he's gonna hurl.
News coverage of the celebrity Katrina telethon fiasco:

Kanye West Slams Bush In Live Telethon
Kanye West Ruins Relief Show
- Video also available

- [11pm EDT update] NBC has issued a

"Tonight's telecast was a live television event wrought with emotion. Kanye West departed from the scripted comments that were prepared for him, and his opinions in no way represent the views of the networks. It would be most unfortunate if the efforts of the artists who participated tonight and the generosity of millions of Americans who are helping those in need are overshadowed by one person's opinion."

- AP coverage
here. It's a shame West's meltdown overshadowed an otherwise moving event.- West's comments cut from West Coast broadcast.

- [1130pm EDT update] The
Red Cross has issued a statement:

The American Red Cross is incredibly grateful for the support we’re receiving in the wake of the catastrophic events caused by Hurricane Katrina. We want to acknowledge the ongoing support of NBC-Universal, which aired a telethon tonight on behalf of the victims of this tragedy.

During the telecast, a controversial comment was made by one of the celebrities. We would like the American public to know that our support is unwavering, regardless of political circumstances. We are a neutral and impartial organization, and support disaster victims across the country regardless of race, class, color or creed. We cannot, and we do not endorse any comments of a political nature.

Confederate Yankee reports that the Red Cross has been deluged with complaints.

For the rap-challenged, background on Kanye West
here and here.

Time magazine calls West
"the smartest man in pop music" and put him on the cover last week:

Guess he must be an avid Internet/blog reader. Too bad he didn't read the Snopes summary of the "looting vs. finding" meme before he made a fool of himself before the world.
West may be Time's "smartest man in pop music," but he also happens to be a
tinfoil-hat conspiracist who raps about how the government invented the AIDS virus and a petulant sore loser who delivered a tirade at the American Music Awards when he didn't get a trophy.

NBC can't say it wasn't forewarned.

***1150pm EDT update: "Kanye West" already the 2nd most searched term at

8/31 - "
You Loot, I Shoot." (Looting vs. finding discussion at end of post)
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