Monday, August 29, 2005

Soooo.... no double-Standard at the Columbian, eh?

Jeff Mize left out one critical element in his run-down of the 3 city council candidates for Vancouver City Council.

I have no problem with his descriptions of the incumbent, Jeannie Stewart (other then Mize's labeling of "contrarian"), or one of the challengers, Eric Olmstead.

But while providing a platform for Mike Heywood, 49th District democrat chair, democrat newsletter editor and former Columbian editorial page editor, fired because of his internet work porn problem; Mize neglected to mention that.


When a local Republican is talked about in this paper, every "bad" thing they've ever "done" is dragged up for the article. Many good things are deliberately excluded. And EVERY time these clowns write about Mielke, they make a point of telling us that he "moved into Vancouver to run against Stuart."

But here, we have an opportunity for even-handed coverage... and Mize blows it.

Not ONE mention of Heywood's "proclivity."


Is it because he's a democrat?

Is it because he a former employee?

Is it because they support Heywood this time around?

Is it because they think they've "done enough?"

They haven't. And they know it.

Council contrarian opposed by two

Monday, August 29, 2005
By JEFFREY MIZE, Columbian staff writer

Jeanne Stewart, since joining the Vancouver City Council in January 2002, often has been a lonely dissenting voice.

Two years ago, she was the only council member to vote against building a downtown hotel-convention center. Last year, she refused to go along with the rest of the council on a package of utility tax increases. This month, she cast one of two votes against raising the city's sales tax by 0.2 percentage points.

Stewart said she is running for a second four-year term to continue providing an independent voice in a city where those who disagree with the council's direction are often disparaged and marginalized.

"You are either on board or you need to get lost," she said. "That's a very threatening posture."

Her two challengers, Mike Heywood and Eric Olmsted, aren't prepared to say Stewart is the one who needs to get lost, but they both believe they are better suited for the position.


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