Tuesday, August 30, 2005

From the Right Corner: Mike Heywood… still scummy after all these years.

Now that ol’ Mike, a high ranking democrat (49th District demo chair) has been outted as a porno pervert, I was wondering if he’d have the guts to say anything about it in that garbage rag he edits for the CCD’s.

Nope… not a word.

Now, decent people would have immediately demanded this scumbag’s resignation from any position of responsibility in the Republican organization. Oddly, the democrats have hunkered down and continue to support Mister Scumbag, whose arrogance and vitriol is only exceeded by his penchant for objectifying women (Unless, of course, that was homosexual porn that got him all excited) Had he been remotely capable of a decent act, he would have removed himself from the Vancouver city council race… but, after all… he IS Mike Heywood.

Stuart, stunned at his poor showing at the Vancouver debate, has been whining and sniveling about more debates.

Heywood, apparently able to tear himself away from internet porn or magazine porn long enough to puke out this month’s newsletter, has no problem acting delusional about what really happened at the debate, and the putrid crap spewing from his keyboard labeling the next Clark County Commissioner shows a great capacity for spewing at anyone but himself.

Heywood, you’re a scumbag. And frankly, you’re not worthy to lick Tom Mielke’s boots.

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