Monday, August 15, 2005

Sen. Dick Durbin, democrat Minority Leader and typical of the neo-comm Left scum for the d's in the senate.

Ahhhh.... Dick Durbin. Could he have a better name?

How sad is it that the only thing this waste of skin is known for is helping the terrorists by equating American military members with Nazis? Democrat scumbag personified.

Today, ol Dick got caught lying about his part of attempting to shaft Judge Roberts on the Supreme Court nomination. That, of course, was the plan from the beginning, as the senior embarrassment from NY, Chuckie Schumer indicated several weeks ago
here and here.

So now, he's caught lying about his despicable treatment of Judge Roberts. And here's the story:


Durbin offered proof of column
By Charles Hurt
August 15, 2005

A law professor who used Senate Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin as a source for a column last month about federal Judge John G. Roberts Jr. -- a column that Mr. Durbin later disputed -- has a taped phone message that he says proves the accuracy of his reporting.

"The taped message is consistent with my notes as well as my email and telephone communications with editors," George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley wrote in a letter earlier this month to Mr. Durbin. "There was never a question as to the accuracy of the [column]. The only issue ever raised by your staff was whether you would be mentioned in the article."

In a column last month in the Los Angeles Times, Mr. Turley wrote that during a private meeting with Mr. Durbin, Judge Roberts "was asked by Sen. Richard Durbin [Illinois Democrat] what he would do if the law required a ruling that his church considers immoral," Mr. Turley wrote.

"Roberts appeared nonplused and, according to sources in the meeting, answered after a long pause that he would probably have to recuse himself," wrote Mr. Turley, who added that it was "the wrong answer."

Conservatives immediately accused Mr. Durbin of applying a religious "litmus test" to the Roberts confirmation, and Mr. Durbin said the column was inaccurate.

"I don't know who was his source," Joe Shoemaker, Mr. Durbin's spokesman, said the day the column ran. "Whoever the source was either got it wrong or Jonathan Turley got it wrong."

After Mr. Turley named Mr. Durbin as his source and Mr. Shoemaker as the second, confirming source, Mr. Durbin's office acknowledged Mr. Durbin's involvement. But still, the Durbin office maintained that Mr. Turley had gotten his facts wrong even though he was taking notes as the senator spoke.

In an Aug. 4 letter to Mr. Durbin, Mr. Turley laid out his detailed recollection of the situation and quoted extensively from a taped telephone message from Mr. Shoemaker.

"While speculation continues as to what was said in your meeting, I wanted to establish that everything said in my article was taken directly from my notes, confirmed by your staff, and never questioned on any point on accuracy," Mr. Turley wrote. "I stayed out of this controversy for over two weeks as your staff has insisted that the account was inaccurate. However, it is grossly unfair to present this matter as an error on our part when we specifically confirmed the account with your staff and never heard a single objection on accuracy until the story ran."

Mr. Durbin's office refused to comment on the letter.

"I'm not going to dignify this with a response," Mr. Shoemaker said. "Turley got his facts wrong."

But Mr. Turley said that on the day before the column ran, he read the relevant portions of his column to Mr. Shoemaker.


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