Monday, August 15, 2005

Government Bigotry as Policy: When I-200 is ignored.

Do you folks remember I-200? Leftists all over the country declared the End Of The World As We Know It should that initiative pass. There was no lie too bogus... no lie too outlandish... to tell in opposition to that initiative, which simply stated this:
"The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting."

Now, we have exactly that situation, a situation that is, well, swell with the ultra-leftist scum who usually toss an embolism when discrimination is practiced in a way that offends our minority brethren... and now... they remain silent.

This is an example of a blatant effort to backdoor I-200. I almost wish I was still in Seattle (I'm actually from Seattle... an increasingly great place to be FROM...) so I could personally challenge this crap.

Thanks to for shining the light on this garbage.

Shari'a Swimtime

Mark Steyn's
latest article in The Spectator, on the western liberal idiocy of celebrating the sociopathologies of foreign cultures, reminds me of a recent Seattle incident I've been meaning to blog about: government-funded Islamic apartheid. Steyn:

By pretending that all cultures are equal, multiculturalism doesn't preserve traditional cultures so much as sustain them in an artificial state that ensures they all develop bizarre pathologies and mutate into some freakish hybrid of the worst of both worlds.
Last month there was an article in the Seattle Times on a program where city public swimming pools have regularly scheduled hours for the exclusive use of Muslims: "Preserving modesty, in the pool"

It's Saturday evening, the end of a hot day, and a group of women and children have gathered at North Seattle's Meadowbrook Pool for their monthly swim ... The women and children all Muslims have been swimming in private once a month at Meadowbrook as part of a program organized by the North Seattle Family Center.
I made some calls and learned that the program, called "Muslim Sister Swim", is treated by the city's Meadowbrook Pool as any other private rental, which would be exempt from the city non-discrimination policy. However, the outfit that organizes and pays for the Muslim Sister Swim is the North Seattle Family Center, a unit of the Children's Home Society, a non-profit that gets most of its money from various government sources. As such, it should strictly comply with non-discrimination guidelines. Nevertheless, the Muslim Sister Swim is open exclusively to Muslims, no infidel women need apply. I asked a representative of the North Seattle Family Center to explain this, and she told me that it was to respect these immigrant women's culture.

But if there's ever a reason for taxpayer dollars to be used to support an immigrant's culture, it should be to support them in learning to shed whatever aspects of their culture are incompatible with American culture. The last thing we need to teach immigrants is to expect publicly-subsidized religious apartheid.

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Stefan Sharkansky at 10:59 AM Comments (56) Email This

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