Saturday, August 27, 2005

From the Right Corner: Mike Heywood - Porn King?

I'd heard the stories... but they involved hot-tubbing.

So now, the Chairman of the 49th District democrats and Mayor Jim West of Spokane have something in common.... both were very big on porn at work.

That won't mean anything to the democrats... after all, Heywood edits their newsletter. His partisan puke is music to their ears. They're not going to let a little thing like breaking company policy to view pornography derail their allegiance to Heywood any more then they did Clinton.

Because, after all, it's "different" when you're a democrat.

I'll put the story here tomorrow... but suffice it to say that Heywood was tossed from the Columbian for checking out porn on his computer.

Instead of loudly and publicly firing this clown, they let him resign.

Talk about a double standard!

Gee... you think ol' Mikey will mention it in the democrat's monthly newsletter? I can't wait to see! And should I hold my breath until I see if the idiots over at the CCD website write Heywood up for his porn habit?

Nah... that simply wouldn't do!

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