Saturday, August 27, 2005

The continuing delusions of the CCD's webhead:Even HE doesn't believe his own crap.

"Democrats: Keeping the homeland safe"

"Democrats: calling members of the American military 'Nazis'."

"Democrats: strengthening our enemies by providing them aid and comfort."

"Democrats: they'd sell their own mother for political gain."

I've heard of "damning by faint praise" before, but this is absurd.

And this guy is such an idiot, he acts like Sens. Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith, at least one of whom happens to be a democrat, had nothing to do with it.

No... this is the same kind of bizarre BS that actually made democrats BELIEVE that Murray had anything to do with keeping the VA Hospitals open here in Washington State.

Delusion, they name is "democrat."

Portland Air National Guard to remain open
Panel keeps Portland Air Base open:

A panel reviewing Defense Department recommendations for base closings and consolidations today voted unanimously to preserve the 18 F-15s at the Portland Air Base for homeland security.

The decision, which now goes to President Bush, reversed Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's recommendation that the 142nd Fighter Wing and its crews and support personnel be transferred to bases in New Jersey and Louisiana.

Good job by Senators Cantwell and Murray and Congressman Baird for making this happen.

Democrats: Keeping the homeland safe

admin – Fri, 08/26/2005 – 4:48pm
admin's blogread more

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