Thursday, June 09, 2005

Washington State Democrats: Not only dishonest in elections, but criminal from the top down.

We’ve all smelled that stench from Olympia since the start of the latest legislative session.

But that rotten-egg odor you’re whiffing now is the aroma of the state democrat party getting popped for $187,000 because of their quadrennial violation of our state’s Public Disclosure Laws.

It’s not that it hasn’t repeatedly happened before. And, as a taxpayer, I appreciate this down payment on the tax increases they’ve shoved down our collective throats.

No wonder they’re whining and sniveling about the interest on their $730,000 election fraud deposit.

I wonder if ol’ Paul is gonna shed a tear over this.

Democrats violate law for a second time; agree to pay $187,500 in fees and penalties

OLYMPIA—Today the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) announced that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) failed to disclose debts and donor information in a timely manner, as required under the law (RCW 42.17.080 and 42.17.090). To avoid further investigation by the state attorney-general, the Democrats agreed to pay fees and penalties totaling $187,500.

$100,000 of that money is re-imposed from a suspended fine from two years ago when they failed to properly disclose $5.9 million spent and received a $250,000 fine.

According to commission staff reports, an independent PDC investigation revealed that Washington State Democrats failed to disclose individual contributor detailed information for $394,544 that was transferred from its federal account to its state non-exempt account. The PDC also asserts that the Democrats failed to disclose (in a timely manner) $704,815 in debts related to 2004 election expenditures.

The agreement reached by the PDC concerning these violations stipulates that the Democrats must pay civil penalties in the amount of $85,000; penalties previously suspended from a prior violation in the amount of $100,000; and attorney fees of $2,500.

“We applaud the PDC for uncovering these violations,” said Bob Williams, president of public advocate Evergreen Freedom Foundation (EFF).


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