Friday, June 10, 2005

Can there be a bigger group of democrat butt boys then NARAL?

No lie they won’t tell… no aspersion they won’t cast… no allegation they won’t believe and trumpet if it furthers their ultra-Leftist neo-communist goals.

Here, the simple idiots of NARAL have shown their true incompetence by claiming that Vice President Dick Cheney, former CEO of Haliburton, was somehow magically transformed into the CEO of Enron, no less.

These people are political scum. Any organization so rabid that they resort to outright lies in the mold are nothing BUT scum. And the sorriest aspect of this situation is that THESE particular scum represent the democrat mainstream.

Three Times a Lackey:
Dave Reichert woos Tom DeLay, Dick Cheney,
and Don Sherwood

During his 2004 election campaign, Rep. Rave Reichert (R-WA) invited extremely conservative, ethically challenged Tom DeLay to his closed-door fundraiser. Then on Monday, former Enron CEO and infamous VP Dick Cheney came to town to raise money for Reichert. Yesterday, Rep. Don Sherwood (R-PA), who is accused of choking a woman in his home, hosted a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. for the former King County Sheriff. As much as we would like to believe that all this is part of an undercover investigation, we suspect that in fact Reichert is willing to overlook serious allegations to raise cold hard cash.

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