Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Rats leaving the sinking ship? Top 3 DNC fundraisers bail on Dean.

Ahhhh.... Dr. Dean.

Feel the love, y'all.

Matt Drudge was kind enough to point out that the top 3 fundraisers from the DNC are hitting the silk on that loveable ol' curmudgeon, Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde.

While I'm sure the Psychopath-in-Chief is just a HOOT to work for, one can easily see where this is yet another symptom of the disease Dr. Dean represents.

And to you DNC members who supported this clown's candidacy, I'm tellin' ya... feel ALL the love from this Republican!

June 7, 2005

Fundraisers jilt Dean
By Alexander Bolton

Three top fundraisers at the Democratic National Committee have resigned at a time when its chairman, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, has come under fire from fellow Democrats for controversial comments and his Republican counterpart has raised more than twice as much money.

Democratic sources link the resignations to Dean’s decision to focus on raising money in small increments through the Internet, as he did during his 2004 presidential bid, and building up the party’s grassroots infrastructure while paying little attention to major Democratic donors.

But other Democrats say the first several months after a party’s losing presidential campaign are naturally a time of transition and it will take time for committee officials to get their “sea legs.”

Dean’s defenders also note that DNC fundraising is ahead of where it was at this point after the last presidential election, when Democrats could still raise unlimited amounts of soft money.

The committee’s finance directors for the two biggest hubs of Democratic fundraising have quit. Bridget Siegel, finance director for New York and the surrounding area, resigned last week, and Lori Kreloff, finance director for California, left the committee last month.

A third top DNC fundraiser, Nancy Eiring, the director of grassroots fundraising, has also resigned, citing strategic differences with aides to Dean, according to a report yesterday in ABC News’ “The Note.”

Siegel told The Hill that she remained at the DNC for the first few months of the year only to help with the transition to leadership under a new chairman and that “Dean is moving the party in a great direction.” Siegel will raise money for Andrew Cuomo’s race for New York attorney general.


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