Tuesday, June 07, 2005

From the Right Corner:The election post mortem

The fringe leftists of Washington State generally and Clark County particularly are delirious over their court win (well, as leftists, they’re delirious anyway, so what else is new?) in the Gubernatorial election.

I can understand that. If the role was reversed, Republicans would probably be reasonably happy as well.

So, now is the time for post-mortem. What did we learn? What will we change? What will be different?

We learned that the fraud vote goes overwhelmingly to the dems. Chances are, if one is going to vote illegally, one will not vote for the party of personal responsibility.

We learned that the democrats will do absolutely nothing to stop the fraud vote; on the contrary, their efforts in the past legislative session will actually ENCOURAGE the fraud vote… because they know they benefit.

What will we change? Unless there is a statewide initiative with true election reform, including the voiding of all current voter registrations, the requirement of providing proof of citizenship to register to vote and requiring legal ID to vote in future elections… we will change… absolutely nothing.

What will be different? Democrat’s efforts to utilize the fraud vote to elect someone have been realized. No concrete steps have been taken to address that abuse, deliberate or otherwise, that led to the election of a governor under the most questionable of circumstances.

Democrats will continue to engage in the rank hypocrisy they’re becoming increasingly known for (Does ANYONE reasonably believe they would have proceeded differently if the outcomes had been reversed?) and, like many of the neo-comms, they will revel in the pain Republicans suffered as a result of this sorry episode of elective history.

As a result of this election, the “poor and the powerless” (according to State Senator Craig Pridemore (D-49)) are forced to pay between $500 and $700 million per biennium to balance the budget.

That, of course, means that, assuming a 6.2 million population in Washington State, over the next two years, each and every one of us will pay right around $100 ADDITIONAL dollars in taxes over the biennium.

THANKS, Christine!

But, I digress.

This past election has more than adequately pointed out our electoral weaknesses. We know the democrat-controlled legislature and governorship won’t do anything about it.

We will get past the vitriol from the other side. But will we get past the incompetence of the State GOP? Can a statewide initiative of genuine election reform be brought to bear?

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