Thursday, June 02, 2005

The hatred of the fringe Left: Amnesty International leadership? Rabid Kerry supporters.

Well, we’ve all heard about it, haven’t we? The alleged horrific conditions the terrorists in custody in Gitmo have to face,

Amnesty International utilized terms such as “gulag” and “concentration camp.”

OK…. Fine. But let’s look a little deeper at those responsible for this report. What do we see?

That the leadership of Amnesty International were solidly behind Kerry.

Does that surprise you? Given the level of hatred the neo-comms show towards the President… the actual mental illness caused by the election loss of their coward-in-chief… does it surprise you that AI would follow along in lockstep with the fringe Left and allow their personal feelings towards the President to influence their findings?

Of course not. And that’s a shame.

Amnesty International has a role in the overall scheme of things. But their credibility suffers… and their value is reduced accordingly… when they allow their hatred to bubble to the surface by making extraordinary claims that will cost American lives in the field.

They are in danger of becoming relegated to the ash heap of history if they allow partisan politics to guide their actions.

Amnesty leadership aided Kerry

By Rowan Scarborough

The top leadership of Amnesty International USA, which unleashed a blistering attack last week on the Bush administration's handling of war detainees, contributed the maximum $2,000 to Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign.

Federal Election Commission records show that William F. Schulz, executive director of Amnesty USA, contributed $2,000 to Mr. Kerry's campaign last year. Mr. Schulz also has contributed $1,000 to the 2006 campaign of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat.

Also, Joe W. "Chip" Pitts III, board chairman of Amnesty International USA, gave the maximum $2,000 allowed by federal law to John Kerry for President. Mr. Pitts is a lawyer and entrepreneur who advises the American Civil Liberties Union


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