Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The start of a trend: state employees throw off the yoke of union domination.

It is an interesting day indeed when a state employee union suddenly fines itself "Trumped."

By "Trumped," I mean "fired."

In the second of many actions to come, bargaining units across the state are dumping the socialist labor unions "representing" them.

Taking this step was required to allow ALL employees the right to vote on the pay increases offered by the Legislature as required by law... Not just the dues-paying members of the unions that the WPEA requires.

These brave people are to be congratulated. The question is, how many more will have to ditch the union before they get the message?

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Union hit with rejection at agency


State workers in the Department of Retirement Systems have voted against the Washington Public Employees Association, ending the union's role at the agency unless an appeal is made this week.

The 169-person bargaining unit is the first of significant size to remove its union since a wave of anti-union efforts spread across state government over the last six months.

"To give people a chance to vote -- that's the only motive I had when I started this thing," said Tom Dodson. "Nothing about good union, bad union, or anything like that."


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