Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My sources tell me that Benton got the HOV lane killed!

Late this afternoon, the RTC met. Many, including our illustrious "whatever-Portland-wants-we-have-to-give-them" mayor, expected the usual slam-dunk of pro-social engineering bilge of nonsense... including a recommendation that the HOV lane move from "test" status to "permanent."

There was also a bunch of crap about using fees to manage lanes... you know, the usual Multnomian socialism.

And none of it will see the light of day.

Not only THAT, but Sen. Don Benton made a motion to get rid of the cursed HOV lane... and the motion passed!

Thanks go to all three of our county commissioners, Morris, Stuart and Boldt; Skamania's Commissioner, the C-Trans rep and the Battle Ground rep to the RTC... who's names, unfortunately, I cannot recall.

To the two Oregon members of the RTC who voted on this motion although they had no right to do so, screw you. To the mayor, the city manager and the port commissioner... it must really suck to be you.


  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Keep in mind that the Bi-State committee voted to keep the pilot, and the recommendations from the Bi-State and RTC board get forwarded to the WSDOT, who has the final decision, and will decide which of the 3 options to go with (keep it pilot, make it permanent, or get rid of it). Then they will ask for concurrence from the Federal Highway Administration. I got this information from Chad Hancock at the WSDOT's Southwest Region Traffic Office when I inquired about the unanimous vote from the Bi-State Committee to keep it as a pilot. With the vote being unanimous, I thought we were screwed for sure. We still may be if what he told me is the way they will decide the fate of this thing.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I read the article in the Columbian this morning. The Bi-State commission voted unanamously to keep it as a pilot. The RTC Board voted 6-5 to get rid of it. That's a lot stacked against us wanting to get rid of it and with those numbers, I doubt it's going away. Give me a list of names to email and I will voice my opinion.

  3. Well, you can start with the "no" votes... Pollard... whoever those clowns were that voted against this.

    I'd also take the time to email those who supported the closure... the commissioners... the c-trans rep... the commissioner from Skamania and the Battle Ground Rep... I'm not sure where to get those names but maybe the RTC has a web site.


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