Monday, May 09, 2005

The Seattle Times nails it: West must go.

Jim West must resign.

Known in the Legislative halls as a bully with an anger management problem, Jim West has become an embarrassment that exceeds that of his mishandling of his duties as Senate Majority Leader... Jim West's conduct has been despicable and his denials indicate that nothing would change were he to manage to survive this.

He has become an embarrassment to his state, his city, his party and frankly, to all mankind. The LEAST he can do is resign.

The Times hit it out of the park with their demand that he resign. Hopefully, in this instance, our Eastern Washington brethren and sisteren will accept this advice.

Sunday, May 8, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 a.m.


West must resign as Spokane mayor

Jim West, who rose to the top ranks of the state Republican Party over many years as a state lawmaker, should resign as mayor of Spokane.

Allegations of child molestation many years ago, along with use of the perquisites of his office to lure a man he believed to be 18 into a date, will overwhelm his ability to fully serve the citizens of Spokane.

Use of a City Hall computer and offers of a city internship to a young man he was courting online show a tragic willingness to abuse power. Elected officials must be held to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

West can no longer preside over the city's business with full public confidence.


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