Monday, May 09, 2005

Faux Governor Gregoire signs gas tax increase: Opposed it while she was running.

During the campaign, Candidate Gregoire said she did not support another gas-tax increase until taxpayers are convinced that a nickel-per-gallon increase approved in 2003 is being well spent.

Today, she signs the largest gas tax increase in the history of the United States.

What's it all mean? I'm sure she'll be condemned as lying scum by her leftist supporters... won't she?

Well... probably not.

SEATTLE -- Gov. Christine Gregoire has signed the legislation raising the gasoline tax by nine-and-a-half cents over four years.

The money will raise $8.5 billion over 16 years to pay for 270 highway and transportation projects in Washington.

The governor took a five-stop bus ride around the Seattle area today to highlight transportation projects. She signed the legislation at the ferry terminal on the Seattle waterfront, next to the aging Alaska Way viaduct.

Replacing the viaduct is one of the biggest projects on the list the tax will help fund. Others are replacing the Highway 520 floating bridge in Seattle, improvements on I-405 between Renton and Bellevue, and replacing the Puyallup River bridge on Highway 162.

Gregoire says the transportation package will move the state forward on the Columbia River crossing bridge between Vancouver and Portland, the north Spokane corridor and improvement freight shipments over Snoqualmie Pass.

Gregoire says every county in the state will see results.

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