Sunday, May 01, 2005

How do you know Christine Gregoire's lying? Her lips are moving.



Today's Seattle Times front-page article compares what candidate Gregoire said with what Gregoire did while acting, illegitimately, as governor: "What Governor Former Attorney General Gregoire said — and did"

"I thought I knew a lot about her character and her ability to negotiate," said Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, D-Spokane. "But it wasn't clear which issues she would stand up for and help out on."

Oh, I think it was clear to everybody she would turn out to be a garden-variety tax-and-spend anti-business union lackey Democrat, in spite of what she might have said while campaigning

On increasing the gas tax:

Candidate Gregoire said she did not support another gas-tax increase until taxpayers are convinced that a nickel-per-gallon increase approved in 2003 is being well spent.

Gov. Former Attorney General Gregoire helped pass the biggest gas-tax increase in state history.

Is anyone really surprised? democrats are known for saying whatever it takes to get elected... and then getting Alzhiemers about their campaign pledges.


  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    2 things happening for her that I can see. 1. She knows she's going to get booted and this was the last chance they would have at getting such massive tax increases through, or 2. She truely forgot she made those promises to the people voting for her during her campaign.

  2. No way she could just "forget." Much more likely she was hoping WE would "forget."


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