Saturday, April 30, 2005

From the Right Corner: The Wilbanks Affair.

First, you’ve got to wonder how all the talking heads, who were edging closer and closer to naming John Mason, her fiancĂ©, as a suspect in her disappearance because of his reticence over taking a lie-detector test, feel about this turn of events.

Second, Ms. Wilbanks should be PERSONALLY billed for every DIME expended on her behalf for the investigation, including cost of equipment, man-hours, use of the command center, food and every OTHER cost involved in his episode.

In the end, like most of America, I’m pleased that the outcome did not include any of the numerous, terrible scenarios that woman made the families and neighbors in Duluth, Georgia, expect the worse.

But in putting her family and millions of other Americans through this for no acceptable reason… particularly allowing it to go on for so long, she must be held accountable. She should, at a minimum, be forced to reimburse out of her own pocket each of the unnecessary dollars vaporized by this stunt, and soon.

This “oh well, she just had cold feet” thing is a crock. And John? Do yourself a favor… kick her to the curb as soon as possible.

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