Thursday, May 12, 2005

From the Right Corner: HHHHhhhmmmm... Is Stuart ripping off his supporters?

From all outward appearances in the battle for campaign funds, Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart appears to be a wholly owned subsidiary of the developer lobby for Clark County.

Stuart has raised just over $61,000 so far, an impressive feat to be sure (You don't suppose he's been getting the benefit of some of Betty Sue's old school arm twisting, do you?)

But of that amount, a whopping $45,000 has been the product of developers and developer allies.

That's stunning enough, considering Stuart's radical environmentalist background, but I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall when some of those developer types read today's Columbian, and got an eyeful about how Stuart is attempting to foil their plans to expand the county's growth boundaries... A move allowing his developer buds to make a killing if implemented.

LBJ is famous for this quote: "Down in Texas, once we buy a politician, he stays bought."

It seems to me that Commissioner Stuart's gonna have a lot of 'splainin' to do... when those people start demanding some return on their investment.

And to those of you dumb enough to write him a 4 or 5 figure check without making sure he "stays bought," well, it seems to me you've got it coming.


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