Thursday, May 12, 2005

From the Right Corner: Even MORE whining and sniveling from the Left... this time, bitching and moaning about the gas tax initiative!

Are Leftists losing their collective minds over the gas tax initiative?

There's a movement afoot, run by two talk jocks from Seattle (Kirby Wilbur and John Carlson) to gather the signatures needed to put an Initiative on the ballot that will overturn the gas tax increase, signed into law by former Attorney General Gregoire.

The Left, so hypocritically big on "choice," (unless, of course, it involves the taxpayer's "choice" as to paying tax increases, in which case, the "
choice" option disappears...) are having a cow on this effort, because these two are using their position as talk show hosts in Seattle to push this attempt to insert the political will of the people of this state into the mix.

As a populist, I've always been very big on the will of the people around here. Locally, for example, the Taliban City Council of Vancouver TWICE SUED the voters of Vancouver to STOP them from expressing THEIR will on the matter of the downtown hotel/convention center idiocy that all the Taxpayers of Clark County will wind up paying for.

I supported the implementation of I-728 and I-732, even though the thugs of the WEA lied about costs and so forth... the people voted for it, government should have implemented it.

Teachers should have given up their step increases in favor of their guaranteed pay raises, government employee pay scales should have been cut across the board, as should the number of state employees and expenditures... whatever it took, EXCEPT FOR ANY KIND OF TAX INCREASE, to implement those programs.

Now, of course, they've been implemented anyway, a plan that destroyed the choice of the People (Remember, the Leftist neo-comms are VERY big on choice... unless they don't happen to LIKE the choice you want to make. If they oppose you, well, LOOK OUT BELOW!) embodied in I-601... but that's OK, because, after all, "choice" only matters if the Left SUPPORTS it.

So... what is the Left whining about now?


"This amounts to media outlets creating and supporting a ballot measure. They can comment on issues all they want, but it's pretty clear that without these two clowns having air time, there is no initiative. Which raises a host of issues.

While it might be likely that the voters of Clarktucky County would support the initiative, we might want to consider the effect of talk radio hosts in Puget Sound holding such power. Real conservatives should consider how things might look if Seattle radio ever reflects the actual population of Seattle. Not to mention tiny things like exactly whom the Republic exists to serve. Might as well give Dr. Laura an amendment and the hell with the whole thing."

stillwell snivels on and on, but you get the drift. In yet another show of that hypocritical "tolerance" of the Left, stillwell refers to those who disagree with his neo-communist views as residents of "Clarktucky."

Well, this resident advises Stillwell to follow Mayor "No Choice" Royce's advise: If you don't like it, leave.

As for the gas tax roll back, I admit to some level of confusion. I understood this sorry effort to have one of the blizzard of "emergency clauses" the dems attached to every bill they passed. in this case, specifically so the PEOPLE of this state couldn't DARE overturn the increase.

Of course, I could be wrong... but if I'm right, then this initiative will never survive passage.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I signed up to help gather signatures AND I donated some coin to help with the costs. I've never even heard of the radio station they mention.

  2. Who runs this blog? Just wondering. And is the Brent who posts here a Mr. Boger? Again just wondering.


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