Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ranger Pat Tillman's death...

... was a tragedy.

Pat Tillman represented everything great and good about being an American.

I am already highly upset about how the Army has handled his death... and this most recent effort does nothing to reassure me.

They better not screw around with this. The truth is always best... even when it's painful... even if it confirms that our own forces accidentally killed Ranger Tillman. I want to know. America wants to know. And we'd better get the truth.

Saturday, April 16, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 a.m.

Army won't reveal findings in newest Tillman inquiry

The Arizona Republic
Questions surround the 2004 death of Pat Tillman.


WASHINGTON — The Army has completed its latest investigation into football star Pat Tillman's friendly-fire death while a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan but is refusing to make public the findings.

The new inquiry was launched in November after Tillman family members and others raised questions about why the Pentagon initially held back or even distorted some details of Tillman's death on April 22, 2004.

"The investigation is done," said Lt. Col. Hans Bush, chief of public affairs for the Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, N.C., which conducted the new investigation. On Wednesday, he described the written report as "huge in the level of detail" but declined to elaborate.

Tillman's family got a briefing on the inquiry "only a couple of weeks ago," Bush said, adding that there was "a degree of satisfaction expressed by the family." The aim of the investigation, he said, was to address concerns that have been raised about whether the Army held back some information about Tillman's death.


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