Sunday, April 17, 2005

Dr. Dean and Mr. Hyde: the Democrat’s worst enemy?

Howard Dean, author of perhaps the most spectacular meltdown of American political history, was here, recently, and I didn’t comment. I didn’t comment primarily because Dean has repeatedly proven himself to be his own worst enemy. Now we have a situation where Dr. Dean also has a Mr. Hyde political personality that he can’t keep in the closet.

I was thrilled that democrats selected Dean, America’s leading political psychopath.

Dean is not a stupid man. As a general rule, those who’ve worked, fought and struggled to achieve a medical doctorate and then gone through the rigors of internship and residency to attain their goal cannot be labeled “stupid.”

But much like the idea that I would go to Jermaine O’Neal for an opinion on the current state of race relations, affirmative action and/or racism in America today, the fact that O’Neal is a millionaire (that is, the fact that he’s a spoiled multi-millionaire lacking in any real education outside of high school who’s major claim to fame is that he’s brilliant on a basketball court) brought up in the era of victimology tending to devalue his perspective; the fact that Dr. Dean is, well, a doctor, gives him no special cache’ in the political world.

Something, obviously, has happened to him since his centrist days as the moderate-democrat governor of Vermont. His attack-dog style grew old, fast, but he seems quite stuck in it.

The problem, as I see it, is that he can’t let his ultra-leftist/socialist presidential candidate persona go.

He is, in fact, possessed of a split personality in the political realm… conflicted. On one hand, he’s the same Dr. Dean nut job that spouts racism platitudes when it serves him… on the other; he speaks a reality utterly incomprehensible to, say, the local neo-comm ultra leftists infesting the democrat party in Clark County.

Gregg Herrington provided this little vignette about his visit here:

Dean nailed it again when he got in the face of his adoring audience.

He spoke of Americans who are "two paychecks from foreclosure" but, despite their economic status, are swayed by the Republican appeal to family values. He said these voters, for example, hear that liberals and the National Education Association want to convert their kids to homosexuality.

Then Dean paused as chuckles rippled across the auditorium. How amusing that voters out there in rural, red-state Middle America could possibly think such a thing. How very uninformed and backward can they be?

Then Dean pounced.

"And we laugh. And that's why we don't win.”


This is sound, solid, political advice. But where has it impacted? Do you honestly believe that this reality check changed one closed neo-comm mind even one synapse worth? Dr. Dean’s problem, as is his Party’s problem, is that the ultra-left wing of his party dominates… and they simply don’t want to hear it.

The ultra-leftists controlling the democrats generally and the Clark County democrats in particular, hold those who disagree with them in the same contempt Dr. Dean exhibits for Republicans generally and President Bush in particular during the last election and since.

And they laugh. And they lose.

What Dr. Dean doesn’t get is simple: They’re emulating him.

On one hand, Dr. Dean tells us: “"We are not," he said at one point, "always as respectful as we should be in the Democratic Party."

And then, the next thing you know, Dr. Dean engages in the very conduct he would seek to condemn within his own Party.

And this is what brings us to the problem the democrats have with Dr. Dean. On one hand, he seems to have a clue… a grip… on the changes the democrats need to make to become competitive, instead of the increasingly funny punch line they are currently. But, on the other, he feels compelled to pander to the most radical left elements of his party.

This sends a mixed, damaging message out to the people of this country… people who continue to view him and the Party that has chosen him to lead, as a party of total nut jobs.

Currently, the democrat attack machine is having their way with Rep. Tom Delay. Rep. Delay, of course, kicked the democrat collective’s butt in Texas redistricting, and now the democrats are out to get revenge. They will do anything to destroy him, much like they did Speaker Newt.

Their purpose, of course, is indictment of the entire GOP, via guilt through association.

The problem with that plan is the duality of it. Guilt by association for the GOP? Then guilt by association for the democrats, still caught up in the grip of their hate speech rhetoric, still controlled by their neo-comms, and now controlled by their political psychopath.

The latest example is this:

April 16, 2005

By Michael Finnegan, Times Staff Writer

Dean Says Democrats Will Make Schiavo Case an Election Issue

· House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's role in the end-of-life debate will be a main target, the DNC chairman says at a West Hollywood breakfast.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Friday that his party would wield the Terri Schiavo case against Republicans in the 2006 and 2008 elections, but for now needed to stay focused battling President Bush on Social Security.

"We're going to use Terri Schiavo later on," Dean said of the brain-damaged Floridian who died last month after her feeding tube was removed amid a swarm of political controversy.

Dean, who has called congressional intervention in the Schiavo case "political grandstanding," singled out House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) for his leading role in the matter.

"This is going to be an issue in 2006, and it's going to be an issue in 2008," Dean told about 200 people at a gay rights group's breakfast in West Hollywood, "because we're going to have an ad with a picture of Tom DeLay saying, 'Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not? Or is that going to be up to your loved ones?' "

First, Dr. Dean will be using the tragic death of Terry Schiavo as a political football… thus making him guilty of the very charge he impugns Delay with, specifically “political grandstanding.”

Even the phrasing of the quote… “We’re going to use Terry Schiavo,” smacks of a callous disregard for the agony that both sides of the issue experienced in her death.

That said, so… when Republicans engage in “political grandstanding,” that’s bad. But when democrats engage in “political grandstanding,” that’s good?

Hypocrisy, Dr. Dean. Look it up.

Second, where was this policy speech given? “A gay rights group breakfast in Hollywood.”

So, Mr. Hyde appears, giving political policy speeches to an ultra-leftist group representative of a political movement meeting disastrous defeat at the polls in state after state… a group that represents a huge anchor around the neck of the democrats… yet a group that the democrats continue to cultivate… Thus further cementing the fringe political credentials that Dr. Dean brought to his abortive presidential campaign run.

The title for this is, perhaps, “dissociative disorder,” or, for the aficionados, “multiple personality disorder.”

Dr. Dean could be a force for good. He could bring the democrats back from the cusp of political lunacy.

But he won’t. And democrats have no one to blame but themselves.

The appointment of Dean guarantees short-term Republican success. And I thank the left for it.

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