Tuesday, April 19, 2005

More proof that local democrats didn't get it: the Dr. Dean, Mr. Hyde visit.

In my previous remarks about Dr. Dean, among other things, I made it clear that democrats either would not hear, would not get or would not accept the main thrust of Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde's message concerning the reasons democrats are losing with increasing frequency across the country.

As a proof of that premise, here’s a look at what the Clark County democrats web site has to say about Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde’s visit.

You’ll note that, as usual, the local democrats only mention the standard partisan fare of Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde’s speech, ignoring altogether the observations he made as to the increasing democrat difficulty to make inroads into the red states.

What better way to deal with a problem then to ignore it?

Local democrats simply are unable to grasp that their leftist hate-mongering does not gain them adherents… in fact, it costs them, election after election, as their anointed candidates are forced to pour gasoline on themselves and light it in the name of the ultra-leftist neo-comm agenda of those in charge of the democrat machine down here.

Dean wows 'em at Skyview High

More than 1,100 people, mostly active Democrats, packed the Skyview High School auditorium April 12 to cheer a rousing speech by Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and 2004 presidential candidate.

His topic was the importance of participating in politics at all levels. As he ventured away from that to criticize the Bush administration, several of the handful of Republicans in the crowd ostentatiously walked out.

Dean noted that he had accepted the engagement before he was appointed party chairman and was not speaking in that capacity. “But I intend to be partisan,” he said, bringing the partisans in the crowd to their feet.

He was unremitting in his criticism of such Bush initiatives as the proposal to privatize Social Security.He urged those in the audience to donate money and work for their party. At one point he said he’d rather have people work for Republican candidates than not participate at all.


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