Tuesday, April 19, 2005

More leftist sniveling: Fox News Impacts

Here's yet another example of the monumental whining of the left, this time about one of their favorite targets: Fox News.

Hopefully, in time, they'll get over it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 a.m.

Fox News Channel: journalism as battlefield

WASHINGTON — The in-your-face right-wing partisanship that marks Fox News Channel's news broadcasts is having two dangerous effects.

The first is that the popularity of the approach — Fox is clobbering its direct competition (CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, etc.) — leads other cable broadcasters to mimic it, which in turn debases the quality of the news available to that segment of the TV audience.

The second, far more dangerous, effect is that it threatens to destroy public confidence in all news.

That last, I admit, is more fear than prediction, but let me tell you what produces that fear. Fox News Channel — though the people who run the operation are at great pains to insist otherwise — is deliberately partisan. It is as though right-wing talk radio has metastasized into cable and assumed a new virulence.



  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    If it's partisan, it's not news. Or do they mean the O-Really and Hannity & Coombs shows. Those aren't NEWS.

  2. Ain't it the truth?

    I noticed this guy didn't have much to say about the left-wing shows on TV and Air America on radio that are metastasizing on cable and over the air waves.

    Aws always, tho, when dealing with the Left... that's "different."


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