Thursday, April 14, 2005

More on how the democrats practice diversity.

The neo-comm democrats pride themselves over their alleged, bogus “diversity.”

If you’re a racial minority, or if you’re a designated non-minority minority (that is, if you’re a numerically superior female, you’ve been declared a minority, even if you aren’t a REAL minority) or if you’re a sexual minority (Now, more or less limited to gay, bisexual, lesbian, trans-gendered… but soon, no doubt, to be expanded to polygamists and those of the animal persuasion.) then the democrats will tell you that they are the party that represents YOUR interests.


Unless you happen to disagree with their agenda.

Because, if you do, minority or no, the “Big Tent” folds up and collapses… directly on your head.

Senators Tim Shelton (D-Potlatch) and Jim Hargrove (D-Hoquiam) are two cases in point.

Shelton is a legendary democrat maverick. For the last two years, Shelton served as a committee chair while the Senate was under REPUBLICAN control, an unheard of effort at cross-aisle pollination. Democrats have repeatedly (and quite stupidly, as it turns out) tried to nail Shelton, including a bogus effort to keep him from even becoming a senator when Brad Owen was elevated to Lieutenant Governor.

Hargrove is second only to Shelton in conservative votes while a democrat. Yet, he is overwhelmingly re-elected… and has proven himself to be a reliable conservative first and a democrat second.

To the neo-comm hard-corps ultra left that makes up the mainstream of the democrats, particularly in this state, this lack of adherence to the classic tax and spend liberalism rife in the neo-comm conclave of the democrat party is, quite simply, unacceptable.

To that end, you get cryptic little remarks from the neo-comms like this:

To paraphrase something Atrios said a while back, it’s okay to be a moderate Democrat, or even a conservative Democrat, as long as you are not a disloyal Democrat.

Much as I disagree with them, I can understand how these two would not want to vote for gay civil rights. It’s infuriating, but that’s politics.

But if Hargrove and Sheldon sabotage something as comparatively non controversial as transportation, then, to quote another big left blogger, screw them.

If it hasn’t been clear all along, it is now: we have to take back the whole Democratic Party. Hargrove and Sheldon need to become major targets for progressives, labor and environmentalists.

(Sourced at Columbian Watch)

So, where the neo-comm democrats are on their collective butts is the concept of diversity of thought.

Pro-life democrats typically don’t need to apply as candidates in Washington State. Parental notification? Partial Birth abortion? Anti gay marriage?

If you’re a democrat, you’re best served by remaining in the closet.

In the last election, for example, democrat candidate lemmings felt compelled to commit political suicide by mouthing the pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage tenets of their party… and most in competitive districts suffered for it accordingly.

Voting for the most massive gas tax increase in the history of the United States may not be controversial for those representing the “no-tax-is-too-high” school of thought. For the rest of us, it’s EXTREMELY controversial… and I admire both of these courageous Senators for their stances in what must be the face of overwhelming pressure from the radical left that demands income redistribution.

In short, it’s all good if you’re a mindless, ultra-leftist neo-comm automaton democrat.

If you think for yourself… or vote your district… Then God help you.

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