Thursday, April 14, 2005

Clark County Commissioners nail it: Vote to approve annexations.

Ever since the ego-driven annexation of prime, local revenue-heavy East County, it has become clear that the people in the areas effected should have a say if they want to become part of the Socialist Republic of Vancouver.

Commissioner Marc Boldt repeatedly attempted to give the people a voice in these plans while a state representative, and the efforts of Vancouver to annex every available square foot of Clark County for the express purpose of generating more money for downtown renewal, (Has anyone in Cascade Park notice any improvements in any government-provided services since Vancouver kidnapped them? Didn't think so.) has finally resulted in the application of that common-sense policy here countywide.

Congratulations to all three commissioners who, in this instance, have done exactly the right thing.

County seeks public vote on annexations
Thursday, April 14, 2005By JEFFREY MIZE, Columbian staff writer

A change to Clark County's annexation policy will result in the county opposing some annexations that do not include a public vote.

County commissioners agreed Wednesday to amend their policy and call for a public vote if a city wants to annex a developed area where it does not already provide services, such as sewer and water.

The provision, suggested by Commissioner Betty Sue Morris and agreed to by Commissioners Marc Boldt and Steve Stuart, reflects a shifting attitude toward annexation by the three commissioners, two of whom have been in office for less than four months.

"In my mind, it just makes sense that people be asked," Stuart said.

"That's the key thing, community support," Boldt said.

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