Friday, April 29, 2005

Herrington blows it: Opinion - Theocracy rears its ugly head

Now Gregg has, for the most part, surprised me since they moved him over to the paid Clark-County-democrat-propaganda-position formerly held by now Boise Chief of Propaganda Michael Zuzel. While Michael made no bones about using his position to further every socialist neo-comm position so admired and adored by the leftists running the democrat party, both here locally and statewide, Gregg has taken a more even strain… even, occasionally, attempting to show some level of balance.

Today, however, the gloves came off and ol’ Gregg showed us how he REALLY feels.

He asks us,
“Is anybody else troubled by all the intermingling of religion and politics these days, with voters taking cues from clergymen, and candidates gratuitously pledging fealty to a faith?”

HHhmmm…. Yeah, Gregg… it’s got ME staying awake nights.

That said, where’s his column on leftists playing the same game?

Was Ol’ Gregg upset when John Kerry ran to every predominantly black church in America during his abortive presidential campaign? Did he denounce the endorsements ringing out DIRECTLY FROM THE PULPITS OF MANY OF THESE AND OTHER ULTRA-LEFTIST CHURCHES FOR JOHN KERRY?

Nope. I must have missed that column.

See, it only upsets him “these days” because those engaging in the practice seem to be from the Right. But it damned sure didn’t seem to upset him during the campaign… when many of the practitioners of EXACTLY THE SAME THING were, well, from the Left.

And that? Well, and this will stun you: That makes today’s word… Hypocrisy.

Theocracy rears its ugly head

Friday, April 29, 2005
GREGG HERRINGTON Columbian staff writer

Is anybody else troubled by all the intermingling of religion and politics these days, with voters taking cues from clergymen, and candidates gratuitously pledging fealty to a faith?

As an example of how low this has gone, consider this week's blast by conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh:

"The religious left in this country hates and despises the God of Christianity and Catholicism."

And in response Thursday, from the Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, president of The Interfaith Alliance, came this:

"All people of faith in the most religiously diverse nation on earth should be insulted by the uninformed religious pronouncements of a vitriolic radio host.
"Mr. Limbaugh has repeatedly demonstrated his ignorance and insensitivity to the religious communities in this nation."

We've come a long way the wrong way since 1960.


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