Friday, April 29, 2005

Brian, Brian, Brian: Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.

You know, Brian Baird’s a pretty nice guy.

The democrats let him get away with murder, but he votes the district reasonably well, and while they beat Tom DeLay to death over the Schiavo legislation (which even I happen to think was asinine) they give Baird a complete pass for voting FOR the bill that they beat hell out of Delay for supporting… which, when it comes down to it, is the typical level of democrat hypocrisy that has done so well for them around the country.

That said, to put a veneer of “fairness” on his lackey efforts to demolish Social Security reform, Baird sent out a survey… and who can argue with that? Political types are always testing the waters… how else, allegedly, can they get the pulse of the electorate?

So, in preparation for the 4 ceremonial Bush-bashing soire's Mr. Baird will be holding here on the issue of Social Security, Mr. Baird sends out a survey (odd… I don’t think I received one… but, one never knows, does one?) which includes the following question:

Seventy-nine percent of the people who responded reacted negatively to the statement:
“We should let workers take part of what they pay into Social Security and put it into private accounts, even if it means lowering guaranteed benefits of future retirees.”

Of course, no one has shown where the effort to privatize PART (not all, as the neo-comms would like you to believe) of social security would result in a reduced benefit to seniors or baby boomers, but the terror machine of the Left doesn’t seem to go into those kinds of details… does it? Nor does it mention that participation in such accounts would be, well, voluntary…. Does it?

The question above is embarrassingly misleading. Of COURSE 79% of the respondents would disagree. But the question has nothing to do with the reality of the situation.

That question was asked deliberately; to get the response that Baird will use to justify his opposition to the President’s reforms.

Good politics? Perhaps. But disingenuous to say the least. And Brian? Don’t think we don’t notice.

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