Saturday, September 28, 2024

A quick reminder: Politicians frequently make promises they cannot keep... on both sides

A quick reminder: Politicians frequently make promises they cannot keep.

Two examples are Kevin McCarthy, who became Speaker of the House, who promised he would eliminate the 87,000 IRS agent scam the Biden Regime was running... which, of course, he could not do, since any such effort was DOA not only in the Senate, but also would have been subject to veto by Biden.
Anyone who knew even the least of politics knew he couldn't accomplish that, and to date, as expected, it STILL hasn't been accomplished and won't be unless the GOP has control of all 3 branches of government, i.e., until at least next year.
The second lie is from Kamala:
There is nothing she can do to codify nationwide abortion.
That she claims she can... that she believes or claims she believes getting rid of the filibuster would, in any way, make that happen is simply a lie.
The nature of the Supreme Court decision to overturn RvW is clear: the Court has determined that the abortion issue is to be decided by the several states.
In short, they have made it clear that abortion is a state's rights issue.
They left no door open that would enable federal legislation to overturn their decision: even if any such bill passed and was signed into law, it would immediately be tossed out by the same Court that tossed it in the first place.
Why she lied is obvious: she wants to be the Great Female Hope.
But she knows, as I do, that she is lying. Just like I knew McCarthy was lying and for the same reason.
If the democrats control all three branches of government, it will make exactly zero difference.
Vote for who you like. But it's not just that the Pole Dancer is lying... it's that she's so bad at it and her supporters are gullible enough to believe her. Know up front that she is lying to you about this and lying to you about lowering grocery (or any other) prices (for which she has zero plan; if she DID have a plan, why is she hiding it?) and other issues no doubt.
This is very much a case of her REQUIRING to be burdened by what has been.
She would say or do anything, legal or illegal, to get elected.
Including lie to the faces of her supporters.
What you do is up to you.
Willie would approve.

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