Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Native American Privilege Card?

More waste of millions from Washington State taxpayers. Not that leftists care.

Since their is no risk of "rising sea levels" (Just ask Barrack Obama with his purchase of a seaside mansion a few years ago) and the likelihood of a tsunami roughly the same as winning powerball, THIS is yet another waste of millions. To, of course, be followed by several million more taxpayer dollars to do something designed to provide this "tribe" with brand new housing in some other location.... not because they HAVE to move... but because they WANT to move.
Where do I get MY Native American Privilege Card?
They want to move?
Swell. I want to move as well, because I might get flooded out by the Columbia River.
Where's MY $3 million? The tribe in question appears to be the Quinaults. You know, the SAME Quinaults who have this thing right on the seaside known as the Quinault Beach Resort & Casino? With casino income, why the hell do they need a dime from us? How many times and in how many ways are these people getting paid off? Are they going to scam the taxpayers of this state to pay them to move their casino as well?

Here's the FB story:

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