Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Israel has been busy... and now terrorists in the region have a leadership vacuum.

 (I am surprised that they took this long to begin the process of hunting down terrorist leadership. After all, remove the head of the snakes and in the case of terrorists, that might not kill the snake but it will sure slow them down.)

Leftists, including Kackling Kamala, have been making demands on Israel to appease their terrorist base. And I get that, they need the terrorist-supporting and illegal votes in November.

Another one bites the dust.

Here's the problem: a cease-fire only benefits the terrorists. And when it comes to voting, who else are the terrorist-supporters going to vote for if not #roundheels?

The equation from Israel's side is simple.

To stop (or at least drastically reduce) terrorist attacks, they have to destroy terrorists in both gaza and the west bank. The only thing a cease fire would accomplish is a pause to allow the terrorists to resupply and rearm.

Part of that process includes the elimination of those in charge of these Iranian clients.

And since Iran is backing these terrorists, it likely will require the elimination of some Iranians as well.

Iran has to throw a fit for internal consumption; who can forget their last "revenge tour" that proved to be a debacle?

I support Israel. Period. They let terrorists fire thousands of rockets from gaza into their country. And they let that happen without retaliation, save for some air strikes.

Until October 7.

In warfare, there is no such thing as a "proportional response."

In World War Two, for example, the Japanese Killed 2,403 military personnel and 68 civilians.

Our (including allies) retaliation included as many as 2.3 million soldiers and as many as 800,000 civilians against Japan.

In Germany, 5.3 million soldiers and up to 3 million civilians. And it is of note that essentially, Germany did not attack us to kick off a war.

Israel is fighting for their existence, which a part of the hamas charter indicates they should not have. When you fight for your survival, you will no more be concerned about the niceties when it comes to your enemies than the enemies who raped and slaughtered 1400 mostly civilians, wounding/injuring 4600 more and kidnapping 240 more for hostages were concerned about the niceties for their victims.

Is there a risk of a, heaven forbid, wider war? Of course. Should Israel ignore the leadership of the organizations attempting to destroy them? Of course NOT.

Israel is a nuclear power. For now, at least, Iran appears not to have achieved that lofty perch/Obama/Biden's best efforts notwithstanding.

Would those whining about Israel's response prefer that form of retaliation? What does everyone sniveling believe Israel would do if their national survival was at stake?

The vast majority of gazans claim to support hamas. The vast majority of west bankers claim to support hezbollah.

Well, here's the deal using our past responses:

"All the gazans are guilty of the crimes of hamas, on the same level as the leadership of the hamas - because they chose and did not stop their power when they committed crimes against humanity."

Here's the reality:

The IDF incursion would end tomorrow.

All the gazans/west bankers have to do is turn over every member of hamas, every hamas supporter, all weapons and all monies/aid hamas has stolen to the IDF.

Return all hostages (and the bodies of those hamas has killed)

Turn over anyone involved in the Oct 7 slaughter, even peripherally.

Agree to frequent inspections to make sure gaza/west bank end their attacks on Israel.

And understand that Oct 7 means permanent occupation. And "permanent" means "forever."

Do this, and the military action would end.

The choices are stark. The choices are simple.

It's up to the people on the ground.

And their continued support of hamas makes them equally culpable.

Meanwhile, Israel rightfully will continue to do their work. And the leadership of hamas hiding out in the 5 star hotels in Qatar should probably update their life insurance policies.

Their play time appears to be over.

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