Friday, May 24, 2024

Wow. The truth will out. Ashley Biden confirms the contents of her diary, including the showers with Joe entries, are legitimate. WIll it matter to the left?

 Interesting. Not sure how I missed this:

Ashley Biden has confirmed the diary... which she alleges was stolen... is, in fact, legitimate.
Which would tend to legitimize her written acknowledgement that Joe Biden felt compelled to take showers with her.

Leftists all are in lockstep that the diary is not hers... and she "never wrote any such thing." Google it. Leftists were in lockstep and they were SO SURE it was made up, common sense and excerpts from the actual diary in question notwithstanding.

Odd, isn't it, that she actually HAS confirmed that the diary IS hers, IN WRITING, to Judge Laura Taylor Swain, the Chief United States District Judge of the Southern District of New York, published by The New York Times.

Will this fact make any difference to the dogged supporters of #PedoJoe?

Of course not.

Leftists will continue to support Biden. But then, they'd support Himmler if he had a "D" after his name.

Even noted leftist apologists Snopes has changed the story from "Previous versions of this fact check noted 'strong evidence' that the diary existed but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online, writing that 'the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary." To: "Ashley Biden's letter to the court, in Snopes' view, provides that authentication," moving the authenticity needle from "unproven" to "true."
So now, the hypocrites of the left are faced with a decision: Do they support a man whose own daughter contends is a sexual deviant?

Or will they go into double-overtime in their efforts to defend him and explain away his now proven abhorrent behavior?

We all know the defense the left has been babbling for years about this serial abuser, which tends to be confirmed by his behavior around young children and women (Tara Reede, anyone?) supports the written proposition by Ashley that she would delay taking showers until late at night for fear that Joe would join her, as he had in a "probably not appropriate" activity. Denial upon denial upon denial and attacks against anyone who dares speak the now confirmed truth, even to the satisfaction of leftist publications such as this one (Newsweek) and the New York Times.

Well, leftists? How about it? Does any of this matter to you?

Popcorn, anyone?

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