Thursday, March 07, 2024

OK, CNN, can you explain why this clown still has a job?

A few days ago, on another propaganda effort designed to keep people on the leftist plantation (King-Charles on your network) they were discussing a snippet of a comment made by Mr. Trump who had indicated that at least part of the black voter reaction to his legal issues included seeing blacks wearing t-shirts with his mug shot on them, Charles Barkley, a long retired former NBA jock who at one point, back in his "I'm not paid to be a role model," days, indicated he'd play for the Klan if the money was right:

“I can be bought. If they paid me enough, I’d work for the Klan.”

Said this:

“First of all, I’m just gonna say this: if I see a Black person walking around with a Trump mug shot, I’m gonna punch him in the face.”

When King responded the way you'd expect a normal cohost to respond: “Charles, you can’t say that because you don’t mean that.”

Barkley replied: “I mean that sincerely,”

“And then you will be arrested for assault and then what?” King asked.

“I’m gonna go bail myself out and go celebrate,” Barkley said.

For my part, I also would have asked: "and how much can you afford with the lawsuits that follow," since this guy's major motivation is clearly money.

But that's neither here nor there.

In 2024, Mr. "I'm not paid to be a role model" ripped the scab off the unpleasant reality of leftist hatred and bigotry in the current campaign.

Does anyone reading this remotely believe that if a WHITE talk show cohost on CNN said that they'd be employed on that network (or any other) today... or ever?

Of course not. And I get that it's OK in the minds of some for blacks to threaten each other much like they shoot each other these days and no one does anything about it.

But this is the kind of remark where Mr. Trump is blamed for the non-existent insurrection the left keeps lying about.

Leftists demand that Trump be imprisoned because in their hate-filled minds, they've already convicted him for something he has never even been charged for.

Barkley is, in fact, guilty of stirring up race-based hatred because Trump, of course, is white... and how dare any black anywhere support someone white who is to the right of Mao?

How can this guy still be on TV? How can anyone be threatening violence, who said, of his own volition, that he "meant it sincerely?"

Barkley, who is his own biggest fan by far, needs to be held accountable.

But he won't be.

And we all know why.

Meanwhile, a few very large black men, including Mike Tyson, have shown up on social media wearing the shirts in question suggesting that they "understand Charles Barkley is looking for" them.

Barkley, for his part, is now on the apology tour and even speaks to certain political realities: mainly, that democrats have done nothing for blacks and that the only time they care about them is every 4 years around election time.

He knows that. He clearly understands that. But he insists on continuing the insanity of devotion to a political party that has not gone beyond taking black voters completely for granted... while seemingly expecting a different outcome as a reward for black voter devotion to leftist racism.

This video from The Black Conservative channel on YouTube explains it:

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